We encourage all members to use our new online donation system via the Church Center app.
You can click on the link below to setup an automated donation plan or make a one time online gift here! It’s easy to use and you can see all your yearly donations when you log in. Donations can be made by debit, credit and Apple Pay too.
PGC Donation Page

- Can I still donate via etransfer? Yes, send to donate@parkwoodgardens.ca with fund designation info in the comments field (Eg. General Fund, Building Fund, Benevolent Fund, Missions Fund, Camp Sponsorship, etc) But, we ask that you consider using the Church Center App for your online giving as it allows you to see a realtime record of all your donations.
- I give with Pre-Authorized Debit, will that change? No, not unless you want it to. If you wish to turn off your PAD and switch to Automated Giving (which we recommend) then simply send the office an email telling us to do so. office@parkwoodgardens.ca
- Can I still donate with my numbered envelope or get more envelopes? Absolutely.