Weekly News

View our latest weekly e-newsletter (bulletin) here.

** ONE SUNDAY SERVICE @ 10 am this Labour Day Sunday.
On September 8th we return to two Sunday services, at 9 am and 10:45 am.

Sunday, 10 am
Worship in person or online

• Watch Sunday’s service here.  All services here.
• View or print Sunday’s sermon notes here.  All notes here.
• Follow the sermon on the YouVersion app here.
• Fill out the Connection Card each Sunday here.
Nursery & Children’s Sunday School @ 9 & 10:45. 
• Jr & Sr Youth Sunday School @ 11:11 am
• Pray with a member of the Prayer Team after each service.

Communion offered on the 1st Sunday of each month.

Sunday: “Unsung Heroes – Wrestling in Prayer!”

We conclude our series entitled, “Unsung Heroes”.
In the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Colossians he speaks of a man named Epaphras. In his life we see the powerful impact of the discipline of wrestling in prayer for others.
Read Colossians 4:12-13 to prepare.

• Watch Sunday’s service here.  All services here.
• View or print Sunday’s sermon notes here.  All notes here.


If you missed the funeral of Rob Ferguson last Monday, you can watch it, here.



View our Current Five-Year Vision here.

Childrens’ Sunday School at 10 am

Step 1.  Sign in your preschool child(ren) downstairs and your older children at the lobby sign in table. 

Step 2. NEW!  Preschool kids can begin downstairs.  Kids grades 1-5 start with their parents in the sanctuary, then head down to Sunday School after the singing.

Step 3.  Sign out your child (Grades 1-5 only) from the gym directly after the service. Please promptly sign out your preschoolers downstairs. This is in accordance with our Plan to Protect policy.

Note: We are looking for some hall monitors and some additional volunteers to serve in second service with our Preschool – Sk class.  Please contact Pastor Shelby if you can help. 

Junior Youth Sunday School @ 10 am service

Junior Youth (grades 6-9 in Sept.) start in the service at 10 am.  After the singing youth are dismissed to head to their classes downstairs.
Summer Youth Activities  (SEE ABOVE)
Jr Youth 
Junior Youth Nights resume in September on Wednesdays! Doors open at 6:30.  Youth group 7-8:30 pm. All Jr Youth welcome – Bring a friend!
Wednesday, September 11th is our first Jr Youth Night in September, and there will be summer events as well.  Stay tuned for them!

Sr Youth 
Save the Date: September 22, 7 pm The Gathering!  Bring your friends and join us for a night of fun, fellowship and worship!

Not plugged in to a D-Team yet? Contact Pastor Cheyenne to get connected!
Questions? Contact Pastor Cheyenne here.

Read the latest missions newsletter from the Glunt Family, our missionaries in Northern Thailand, here.
If you missed their visit and presentation at Parkwood Gardens on June 23, you can see it here.

PGCC Growth and Fellowship Opportunities!


GROW in God’s Word!  Wednesday Nights at 7 pm.  A new group will start in early September

GROW in Your Walk!  Wednesday Nights at 7 pm.  A new group starts in September.

Study of the Book of Daniel!  Wednesday Nights at 7 pm.  20 Weeks.  Starts in October.

Circle of Friends!  Tuesdays @ 9:30 am.  The Circle of Friends ladies group meets on Tuesday mornings at PGC from 9:30 to 11:30 am.  Contact Pastor Lynette for more information.  The group will resume in September.  ALL ARE WELCOME!

Children’s Friendship Club!  Every Tuesday @ 6:30 pm. Drop in and join the fun!  Resumes in September.


Did you know you can access many different digital Bible studies with RightNow Media?  Use this link to sign up and get access via Parkwood’s account!


Co-ed, Adult Volleyball.  Tuesdays, 8:30 pm.

Men’s Ball Hockey Outreach!  Wednesday Nights @ 8 pm.  Resumes in September.

Men’s 30 and Up Basketball!  Monday Nights @ 9 pm.

Open Basketball Outreach!  Friday nights @ 8 pm for those 15+.  Contact Mike.mackneer@parkwoodgardens.ca. Resumes in September.

Youth Open Gym! (ages 10+):  Friday Nights @ 6:30-8pm.  Resumes in September.


“The Cornerstones”  This group is open to anyone over 50 who is retired or semi retired. Next Meeting May 16th @ 1 pm.

Men’s Fellowship Night!  May 25, 7-10 pm in the Fellowship Hall at the church building. All men are invited to join for a fun night of games, darts, cards, ping pong, and more. A great chance to make some new friendships. Contact Doug Patay Doug.Patay@icloud.com with questions. Resumes in September.

Family Fun in the Gym!  Save the Date: Saturday, May 25, 4-6 pm, Pizza dinner provided.  Resumes in September.

Mamas & Chicks!  We meet every other Wednesday, 9:30 to 11:30 am.  All are welcome. 

Jr Youth – Wednesdays, 6:30 to 8:30 pm.  Resumes in September.

Sr Youth “Gathering” (High School): Save the Date: September 21, 7 pm. 

Parents/Young Families Groups: Join a group for connection, community, and prayer after putting the kids to bed. 🛏  Sundays @ 8:30 pm – Meets every other week on Zoom. Contact Pastor Mike to get the link to join!   Resumes in September.

To join, host or lead a Discipleship Group or a Life Group, please contact Mike.mackneer@parkwoodgardens.ca

Missionary News Updates

  • Update from Brian Glunt in Thailand here.  
  • For the Angola mission update from Lowell and Gail Deering, click here.
  • Please continue to pray for our sister churches in Haiti.  

September Verse of the Month:

“Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink.  Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.”
– John 7:37,38

Regular Weekly Events

Mondays – Men’s 30+ Basketball9pm –

Tuesdays – Circle of Friends – 9:30 am @ PGC. – resumes in September

Tuesdays – Friendship ClubTuesdays, 6:30 to 8 pm. Kids SK to Grade 5 – resumes in September

Tuesdays – Adult Co-Ed Volleyball – 8:30 pm @ PGC.

Wednesdays – Mamas & Chicks –  9:15 am, every other week

Wednesdays – Jr Youth Cell Groups. Gr. 6-9.  6:30 to 8:30 pm – resumes in September

Wednesdays – GROW in God’s Word (Year 1) – Wednesdays, 7 pm. – resumes in September

Wednesdays – GROW in Your Walk (Year 2) – Wednesdays, 7 pm. – resumes in September

Wednesdays – Ball Hockey – 8 pm, Ages 15+.  – resumes in September

Fridays – Youth Open Gym –  6:30pm-8pm, Ages 10+ – resumes in September

Fridays  – Men’s Basketball-  8 pm.  Ages 15+. – resumes in September

Saturdays – Family Fun in the Gym – 4 to 6 pm.  4th Saturday of the Month – resumes in September

Saturdays – Men’s Rec Room – 7 to 9 pm. 4th Saturday of the Month – resumes in September

Sundays – Worship Celebrations – 9 & 10:45 am @ PGC – (10 am for the Summer)

Sundays – Vietnamese Worship Celebration – 3 pm

Did you know that you can watch or listen to Sunday’s sermons online?  Click here for the previous week’s service.

Weekly e-Bulletin & Prayer Requests

If you would like to receive our weekly e-bulletin, please e-mail Ricki Lee Bristow to have your e-mail address added to the weekly email newsletter. If you have prayer requests to be included, please call the office (519-836-0180), or e-mail the office.

Office Hours

Office hours are normally 9 am to 4 pm, Monday to Friday.

Please call or email a staff member to make an appointment to meet them at the church. 
Email office@parkwoodgardens.ca, or directly to the staff member you’re seeking.

 You may call and leave messages or send emails to office@parkwoodgardens.ca.

We’re on FACEBOOK here and INSTAGRAM here.